dimanche 20 février 2011


Had a nice time in Oxford the last week-end with Pauline (French), Mathilda (Swedish), Priscila (Spanich), Alicia and Adriana (Polish)!

Pauline and me

Christ Church College, lieu de tournage du film Harry Potter...


The dinning room

Moi, Adriana, Mathilda and Priscila (en mode touristes)

Mathilda, me and Adriana (tourist again)

Wonderful view from Carfax Tower

Mathilda, Pauline and me
 Next Destination : London !!! Looking forward!!! :D

See you!


mardi 1 février 2011

Bilan de la Première semaine ou les mésaventures de Sarah Poppins!

Voilà, ça fait maintenant une semaine que je suis ici, et autant vous dire que ce n'est pas tout beau tout rose tous les jours! Mais j'ai vraiment de la chance d'être tombé sur une famille géniale!

Je crois qu'en fait tout est allé si vite avant mon départ, que je n'ai pas vraiment eu le temps de me préparer "psychologiquement"... Maintenant que je suis ici je me rend compte que ce n'est pas facile tous les jours! 

D'abord il y a la barrière de la langue, même si j'ai appris l'anglais pendant 7 ans au collège et au lycée... Bah je suis loin d'être bilingue!! Des fois je ne comprend rien de ce qu'on me dit! Mais bon, comme on dit, ce n'est que le début et ça va vite venir... Mais pour l'instant c'est frustrant, et je me sens un peu... perdue!

Ensuite, 1ère mésaventure : vendredi 2 poules sont mortes! Oui... mortes! Je ne sais pas pourquoi! Mais quand j'ai découvert ça vendredi matin en allant les nourrir, j'ai un tout petit peu paniqué!! Bon en fait on a supposé qu'elles étaient mortes de froid ou bien mortes de peur... Car il y a un renard qui rode autour en ce moment... Donc maintenant, les poules passent la nuit dans la maison, on a installé une cage pour elles. Mais bon, au début je pensais que c'était de ma faute, car j'étais la seule à m' être occupé des poules la veille... Et même si Peter et Kirsty m'ont rassuré, je me sens encore un peu fautive, car j'aurai du peut-être m'assurer que les poules allaient bien le soir avant de fermer leur cage...

2ème mésaventure : Dimanche matin, j'étais toute contente de prendre la voiture pour aller rencontrer une fille au pair française à Milton Keynes, quand à peine à 500m de la maison : BOUMMMM!!!
 Mini accident sur une toute petite route de campagne étroite et sinueuse, où il y a à peine de la place pour une voiture... Une voiture m'a foncé dedans... En fait quand je l'ai vu débouler en face de moi, par surprise j'ai eu le réflexe de virer à droite (mauvais réflèxe ici!) et j'ai stoppé net. Mais l'autre voiture n'a pas su stoppé à temps... 
Constats des dégats : Le fard de "ma" voiture cassé, mais l'autre voiture n'a qu'une petite bosse. 
Heureusement la conductrice a été compréhensive et n'était pas contrariée... C'est dingue ici, quand on est étranger on a l'impression que tous le monde nous sourit! 
Une fois de plus Kirsty et Peter ont été très compréhensifs, très gentils et ont tenus à me rassurer "Don't worry Sarah, No problem, don't worry!", Mais moi j'étais catastrophée et très embarrassée... Du coup, je n'ai pas osé reprendre la voiture... 

Voilà pour les petite catastrophes... Des fois je me demande si j'ai la poisse ou si je suis extrêmement maladroite... Peut-être un peu des 2 ? Ce n'est pas pour rien qu'on me compare à Suzan Myer... Je devrais changer mon nom de blog par "Miss catastrophe" au lieu de "Miss Poppins"! 

Anyway, aujourd'hui je me suis décidée à reprendre le volant, de toute façon je n'ai pas le choix, et c'est en pratiquant qu'on prend l'habitude! Rouler à gauche ce n'est pas si dur, c'est juste qu'il faut apprendre de nouveaux réflèxes! Et j'ai besoin de prendre mes marques ici... 

La suite dans un prochaine épisode...

Miss catastrophe.

Friday, January 28th

That's there! My au pair's adventure has begun for one week! I'm settled into a very nice family, who lives in Stagsden, a little village in England's Midlands.
Stagsden is not very far from some towns such Bedford, Milton Keynes or again Luton, and only one hour from London. The house is very big, I'm getting lost here! It's a countryside house quite traditional, in old style, with a lot of lands, a lot of green around. It's very nice here!
I was given a warm welcome, like a princess! I have a spacious bedroom, with a big bed, a sofa, a desk, a TV with DVD player and my own bathroom!

Sunday, We have taken the « English breakfast » : Tea, toasts with jam or marmelade, sausage with HP sauce... Contrary to what one might think, It was not so bad! I liked it!
Then, They've show me their big garden, the chicken's house and the lands around. We've done some shopping in the supermaket, and they've shown me the village by car.
Later, I've can play with the children and to get to know them a bit better. They are really sweet, very active sometimes, and mischevious, but very lovely!

Monday, the first day of working, the kids'grandparents were with me to explain to me what I have to do. When the children were at school, we went to the grandparent's home. Then Roseana and I did some shopping in Milton keynes, She showed me the centre and the shops, and we looked for language school because I would like to take some English lessons in order to improve my English, which is not very googd at the moment! But we saw that the courses are very expensive! I ate at Colin and Roseana's home and we came back to the hayes' home to receive the children back from school.

My principal function is to take care (or to look after ?) of the children : playing, getting ready for school, giving break fast and dinner, giving the bath etc...
My first week as au pair has passed rather well. But It's not easy to speak English everyday and to understand what they say to me. But Kirsty and Peter do everything in order to make me ok with them! This week, I was tired and I had a big cold. All the family have a cold. So Kirsty gave me some medecines so I could get better.

Today, There was happened an event which moved me a bit deeply... When I was going to see the chickens and open the door to give them the food, I saw that 2 chickens were dead! I was in a panic! I didn't know what to do and I was very worried! Then I was really sorry and confused for the family... But when I was calling Kirsty in order to tell her what was happened, she reassured me by saying it was not my error. Maybe the chickens were very afraid by a fox, and they had maybe a heart attack, because they were old, and it was very cold outdoors...

This week, I was tired and I had a big cold. All the family have a cold. So Kirsty gave me some medecines in order to getting better.

On the web, I've met others au pairs like me who live in Bedford and in Milton Keynes. Pauline is french too, she lives in Milton Keynes. She speaks very good English, so she proposed to help me. She seems very nice, and I'm looking forward to meeting her. We will meet us in Milton keynes this week-end, saturday or sunday, I don't know yet, but it will be very nice! There are also Sara, a german and Thea, a swedish au pair. They would like to visit me in Stagsden the next week, but I haven't yet asked to Kirsty if it's possible and I don't know if it's such a good idea, because there is nothing to do in Stagsden and I would prefer to visit them in Bedford. I'm impatient to have friends here, I would love going to the cinema, to the swimming pool, visiting the big towns as London, Oxford, Cambridge... Having fun!

This week-end I will have a car! I'm looking forward to get a car. I've tried to drive wednesday, and I was not so bad... I believe! In fact, the most difficult for me was to change the gears with my left hand. I'm not in the habit to use my left hand but I think I will get used to driving here very quickly! I can go to Bedford or to Milton keynes, take English lessons...
Saturday, I will visit also Kirsty'sister, and we'll choose a cat together, It will be very nice! I'm very impatient because I love cats and I will be very happy to look after the cat!

The new car

At first, I was getting lost here, but now I'm beggining to take my marks and to be fine here... I'm very lucky to be in this family! Peter and Kirsty are nice, they do everything in order to integrate me, and the children are very sweet, even if they are sometimes a little bit difficult, and it's not very easy to understand them, but we need a bit time to getting to know each other better... I think that everything will get better and better! I'm already settled here and that's just the beginning!